You don't say I don't know words, that I don't know meaning, when I drop them. When my natural speech patterns (typing patterns really, we shouldn't call all word patterns, all word choice, speech patterns). When my natural word choice doesn't include pronouns in many situations, because they are just unnecessary. You know what I mean.
You don't say I don't know words, when I talk to people, about pro-drop and aux-drop. I know the terms. That makes it acceptable.
(That makes it acceptable because I was taught the words. Because I'm an adult. Who was treated like I could learn.)
You don't say I only know nouns, because my choice of how to say "I am hungry" is "food?"
but I mean, why would you say anything else? It says all you need to.
And meaningfully. You don't say you. Yourself. Don't know these words, when you do it yourself. I pretty much guarantee, you yourself, are dropping words from so called "proper english" what you claim is proper, and what you are trying to force upon people, because "they don't don't know the words" or "how do I know they know the words" or any other thing claiming people don't know something because they choose not to use it, just because they are disabled. Because what you use isn't what we are supposed to use.
it's okay for me. Because I know how to talk about what I'm doing. Because I was given the chance to learn which is being denied from others.
You don't claim I don't know the words.
Except, if you met me, and I was using my symbol based AAC, would you claim it then?
(I mean no, because when I'm using it I feel forced to use them all. I feel forced to not use natural language. I don't feel like it is truly a representation of how thoughts flow. It is helpful to me, but with how I have been treated with picture cards and with how picture cards and symbol based AAC is treated in general, I don't know how to make it natural language. I simply don't know.)
Would you claim it though? If I were to use my symbols like I do my typing? Or even, if you saw my typing AAC, would then, it be me not knowing words. Would I be instead of someone on the other side of a keyboard, someone who doesn't know things, because I would be now supposed to speak however you want, to prove myself, rather than to communicate.
Because language is meant to communicate. But treating it like this, it's not communication.
"How do I know if they know core words"
Do you know what they are saying? Are they successfully communicating? Is that the goal?
Or is proving their knowledge of core words the goal?
Is the goal getting across an idea?
Or the goal pretending to be normal
You are trying to make us into robots. Claiming it is the only way speech works. And it has taken effort to learn that I don't have to do that. But still, you wouldn't claim that I don't know these words, when I'm choosing now not to use them. And others, who have never been given the opportunities I have, you are claiming do not understand.
There is no one way to speak.