rare disability is lonliness
it is the being in a crowd of chronic illness and feeling misunderstood. it is the everyone talking about experiences with doctors and those being so completely true, and yet, it not representing nearly all of life. it is the just wishing to feel like there is a way to exist without constant explaining or constant erasure.
rare disability is loneliness
it is the being left out, being ignored. it is the being asked you're not being serious are you, that's not really how things work. its the being told that other topics are more relevant since they affect more people. it is the people saying that of course everything you talk about affects everyone why do you act like you have any sort of disability at all. it is the being so very alone that there is nobody else to speak up.
rare disability is loneliness
it is the everyone else getting replies, and seeing your things being left alone. it is the being told how not relatable you are. to watch everyone else get reassured. to have everyone else get shared stories of what is hard and what makes things easier. to not even get a simple 'that sounds tough, is there anything that'd help' because instead you get 'wow that's weird'.
rare disability is loneliness
it is being told you can't talk about these things it is too hard to hear about. it is the being told that your life is traumatic to hear about and others shouldn't have to deal with that. it is being told your body is broken your mind is a mess and nobody else should have to face your existance. it is still being alone.
rare disability is loneliness
it is the having one person message you saying i have never before found someone wild on the internet with this same diagnosis.
it is the message of i am so very glad to not be alone and at the same time feel so bad for you to need to deal with this as well.
it is the sharing, because you have to share. because sometimes you might maybe not be alone.
and it is still.
so very lonely.
to be two in a crowd rather than one.