Acceptance is a journey
And it is one we will always be on
No matter how far we travel there is always further to go.
I learn about myself
What I can do
How I can do it
What I need to do differently
And how I can do better
But I can always learn more
I need to let myself stop and do those better ways
Even when I think I accept myself
I learn
And I challenge my understanding of myself
Acceptance is a journey
One I'm always undertaking
Pushing myself farther
Making myself more okay with who I am and how to best live in this world
Challenges will always occur
And I need to step up to them
Letting myself live in a way better for me
Letting myself be happier with who I am
Acceptance is a journey
One I must be on
Spreading to others
Sharing my message
Of hope
Of love
Of how it is not a bad thing to live as I do
Of how every person is worthy
And how you shouldn't deny someone their humanity
Because of not understanding them
Acceptance is a journey
One that can be hard
But one that is worthy
To undertake
Because we will always make more progress
Towards a better life
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